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26.08.2022 Document

Doc 2 of Event test 1 26/08 - MJ WZ

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc a iaculis nisi, id eleifend lacus. Morbi orci arcu, pellentesque sed iaculis in, efficitur et lorem. Nullam eu lectus est. Suspendisse nisl mi, rutrum et ullamcorper et, fringilla et elit. Nullam leo nisi, placerat eget lectus gravida, efficitur aliquam odio. Nunc quis augue neque. Vivamus a leo quis elit laoreet congue id eget sem. Fusce sodales pretium felis, quis pellentesque justo luctus quis. Vestibulum ultrices consequat nunc, id hendrerit dolor laoreet eu. Quisque eget consequat ipsum. Morbi et ante neque.
28.06.2022 Document

ETUC Position on the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe and the follow-up, including a Convention

ETUC Position on the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe and the follow-up, including a Convention Adopted at the Executive Committee Meeting of 22-23 June 2022 SHORT SUMMARY: The ETUC has engaged in the Conference on the Future of Europe to put Social Europe at the center of the discussions. The ETUC considers the conclusions of the Conference on the Future of Europe an ambitious and important roadmap to define a fairer and more social future of Europe.
20.06.2022 Document

ETUC statement on minimum taxation delay

The ETUC expresses its concern at the lack of progress on the adoption of a minimum level of taxation, which is another illustration of the need to get rid of the unanimity requirement in Council. The ETUC has welcomed the EU proposal as a timid but important first step in reducing the most damaging corporate tax practices in the EU. In addition to depleted public budgets, we underline the disastrous impact of corporate tax avoidance on employment. Hiding corporate profits in tax havens stands in the way of fair wages and sustainable business.
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