• 19.03.2016 Document

    The CETA where we are at and what needs to be changed

    Brussels, 19 April 2016     JOINT STATEMENT FROM ETUC AND CLC The CETA: where we are at and what needs to be changed   When Canada and Europe set out to negotiate a free trade agreement a few years ago, there were high hopes that this exercise might lead to a new “gold standard” in this area: an agreement that would show it is possible to deepen trade links while maintaining and increasing social, labour and environmental standards.  
  • 19.01.2016 Document

    Solidarity with Goodyear workers

    CGT source
    Brussels, 19 January 2016 ETUC letter of support to Philippe Martinez, General Secretary of CGT French Union  Dear Philippe, The ETUC is gravely concerned about the sentences handed down by the court of Amiens on 12 January for the eight former Goodyear workers. 24 months in prison, of which 9 months are mandatory, is unprecedented. It severely punishes workers who fought for nearly 7 years to save their jobs on their territory.
  • 15.01.2016 Document

    ETUC declaration on the Paris agreement on climate change

    The COP 21 has delivered a universal agreement which will frame the long term action on climate change. The ETUC welcomes that agreement which concludes a long and complex negotiation process. Giving to the world a global instrument to tackle climate change is a major political breakthrough even though, as stressed below, this agreement is in many respects not as ambitious as we would have wished.
  • 11.01.2016 Document

    ETUC Position on granting Market Economy Status to China

    China has been a member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) since 2001 but it is not recognised as a market economy by any of its major trading partners, including the EU and the US. China's WTO Accession Protocol allowed WTO members not to grant “Market Economy Status” (MES) to China for a period up to 11 December 2016. Not applying MES to China allows the EU to use alternative methods for calculating dumping margins (that apply to Non-Market Economies, NMEs, often based on the higher prices applying in third countries).
  • 07.01.2016 Document

    Statement to the Macroeconomic dialogue at technical level

    ETUC Economic Policy Committee Statement to the Macroeconomic dialogue at technical level Brussels, 19 January 2016   The ETUC Economic Policy Committee met in Brussels on 19 January 2016 in order to prepare the Macroeconomic dialogue technical meeting.
  • 05.01.2016 Document

    ETUC position on single market strategy for Europe

    ETUC position on single market strategy for Europe    Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 16-17 December 2015 Key points The conflict between the exercise of fundamental rights and economic freedoms and the development of unfair competition in the single market can no longer be ignored. The ETUC recalls the importance of quality jobs, the principle of equal treatment between all workers at the same workplace and urges the EU institutions to adopt a social progress protocol.
  • 15.12.2015 Document

    ETUC assessment of the European Commission Work Programme 2016

    ETUC assessment of the European Commission Work Programme 2016   ETUC position adopted at the ETUC Executive Commitee on the 16-17 December 2015 Introduction   This paper provides an ETUC assessment of the European Commission’s (EC) Work Programme 2016 (WP) No Time for Business as Usual.  
  • 10.12.2015 Document

    Completing Economic and Monetary Union: Rebalancing European Economic Governance (ETUC position)

    Completing Economic and Monetary Union: Rebalancing European Economic Governance (ETUC position) Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 16-17 December 2015 Introduction The Commission Communication of 21 October describes the initiatives the Commission will undertake in stage 1 of the process to deepen EMU. In this stage, the Commission will intensify the use of policy instruments and levers that already exist within the current Treaties in order to improve the functioning of EMU.
  • 27.11.2015 Document

    Stop discriminating against refugees on grounds of nationality!

    Statement from the ETUC Mobility, Migration and Inclusion Committee Stop discriminating against refugees on grounds of nationality! The ETUC has received information from informal and informal sources around the so-called ‘Balkan route’ of entry to the EU that since 19 November 2015, the states of FYROM Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia have been allowing only Syrians, Iraqis and Afghanis to enter their countries.
  • 19.11.2015 Document

    ETUC Steering Committee declaration in solidarity with the people of France

    We, the European trade union movement, stand in solidarity with the people of France, and the French trade unions following the murderous attacks on innocent people in Paris. We, trade unions throughout Europe, condemn without reservation these barbaric murders. There can be no justification for the deliberate, cold-blooded taking of people’s lives, for causing injury and trauma, for bringing grief to the family and friends of the victims. We commend the bravery of the police, security and emergency services, and ordinary citizens, during and after the attacks. 
  • 30.10.2015 Document

    ETUC position on National Competitiveness Boards

    ETUC position on National Competitiveness Boards  Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 28-29 October 2015 Introduction On 21 October the Commission adopted a Recommendation for a Council Recommendation requiring euro area member states to establish national Competitiveness Boards. At the level of each (euro area) member state, these boards aim to: a)    monitor competitiveness developments relative to global competitors (including labour costs).
  • 22.06.2015 Document

    ETUC key demands for the Climate COP21 (ETUC Position)

    Position adopted by the Executive Committee of 17-18 June 2015 In December 2015, countries will meet in Paris under the UN auspices to seal a new global agreement to fight climate change. Ahead of this crucial summit, the ETUC reiterates its key demands to Parties, and specifically to the EU which must continue to play a leading role in the negotiations.
  • 18.06.2015 Document

    ETUC declaration on 'Better Regulation'

    ETUC declaration on 'Better Regulation' 
 Adopted at the ETUC Executive Committee on 17-18 June 2015 
 The ‘Better Regulation’ package[1] published the 19/05/2015 by the European Commission is supposed to ensure better, simpler, less burdensome EU regulation. 
  • 17.06.2015 Document

    ETUC Declaration on Montenegro

    In its meeting in March 2015, the ETUC Executive Committee affiliated the two representative confederations from Montenegro, CTUM and UFTUM.  CTUM was affiliated because the new leadership, elected at their congress in November 2013, engaged in a serious and complex reform process. This process clearly disturbs those forces who want to keep CTUM under full control. The same are responsible for enormous financial abuses that ruin the trade union’s reputation.