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Past events

15/06/2022 Event

Invitation : conférence annuelle de la CES sur les comités d'entreprise européens, 8 & 9 septembre 2022

Invitation : conférence annuelle de la CES sur les comités d'entreprise européens, 8 & 9 septembre 2022

17/05/2022 Event

Webinar on Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence – Justice is everybody's business

We are happy to announce to you that European Commissioner Didier Reynders has agreed to meet trade unions and NGOs for a public Q&A session.

Together with affiliated trade unions and NGOs (AK Europa, ÖGB, Friends of the Earth Europe, European Coalition for Corporate Justice, European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights, CCFD-Terre Solidaire), we have long called for a meeting with the Commissioner

03/05/2022 Event

Reminder: ETUC/Eurocadres online event Human Rights Due Diligence: How to influence company strategies

We would like to remind you to join us on 1 June to discuss the importance of human rights due diligence, and how trade unions can influence company strategies for the benefit of workers and the environment. 

14/03/2022 Event

REMINDER: Democracy at Work goes local – Board-level representation in Spain

We kindly want to invite you again to our hybrid webinar on board-level representation in Spain together with ETUC affiliates from UGT and Comisiones Obreras.

Date: 29 April 2022

Time: 10.00am – 1.30pm (Spanish time)