• 26.03.2013 Press release

    ETUC reaffirms its support to the Tunisian General Labour Union

    Brussels, 26/03/2013 In his address, the Secretary General of the UGTT, Hussein Abassi, underlined the major challenges his country is confronted with in order to complete the fundamental democratic changes. UGTT will contribute to establish authentic democratic institutions and to work on a broad consensus, based on human rights and social justice.
  • 22.03.2013 Speech

    Speech given by Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary 35th GSEE Congress

    Alexandroupoli, 22/03/2013 Check against delivery Chair, Dear Friends, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address your congress on behalf of the European trade union confederation. Your country, Greek citizens, Greek workers in recent years and recent months have been going through an extraordinary painful process. Cuts in wages, cuts in pensions, cuts in social provisions, attacks on industrial relations, on collective bargaining, selling of public assets, political uncertainty,
  • 19.03.2013 Press release

    Eurogroup: Sacrificing the savings of ordinary Cypriots is unfair

    Brussels, 19/03/2013 The ETUC protests against this unfair decision which is bound to have adverse consequences – not least a loss of confidence in Cypriot banks which will freeze credit for the real economy (investments, exports). Such a decision risks destroying economic activity and jobs in the long term.
  • 13.03.2013 Press release

    ETUC congratulates European Parliament for showing leadership on key gender equality issues

    Brussels, 13/03/2013 The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) congratulates the European Parliament on the adoption, yesterday, of three important resolutions on gender equality and women’s rights, focusing on the impact that the economic crisis is having on women, the elimination of gender stereotypes and the situation of women in North Africa.
  • 12.03.2013 Press release

    ETUC condemns Hungary's veer towards totalitarianism

    Brussels, 12/03/2013 With this reform, the Hungarian government intends to restrict the prerogatives of the Constitutional Court to strengthen its own position. The Constitutional Court has been muzzled. It is an attack on democracy.
  • 07.03.2013 Press release

    International women's day: Women are paying a double price for the crisis

    Brussels, 07/03/2013 On 8 March 2013, International Women’s Day (IWD), women worldwide will again demand for a basic, but yet fundamental right: equality between women and men. On this important occasion, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) warns that women are paying a double price for the crisis. Time has come for a real change of direction.
  • 05.03.2013 Press release

    Caps on bonuses: managers in banks and non-financial companies must become accountable

    Brussels, 05/03/2013 “The compromise deal will ensure that bankers’ horrendous annual bonus payments are capped and greater transparency for banks' accounts is provided for, on top of better capital requirements,” said Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary: “The financial crisis has demonstrated that the system of high gratifications in the banking sector has led to wrong incentives for bankers to take on risks at the expense of society as a whole”, she continued. “The Council must now enact the deal without further ado.”
  • 04.03.2013 Press release

    ETUC tells Macro Economic Dialogue that austerity is a failure

    Brussels, 04/03/2013 Europe is in the business of pursuing a double strategy of austerity. To reach overambitious deficit targets, deficits and public expenditure are being severely slashed. At the same time, attacks on wages and collective bargaining systems are spreading from member state to member state, thereby risking a downwards spiral of wage competition.
  • 04.03.2013 Press release

    14 March 2013 – European Trade Union rally

    Brussels, 04/03/2013
 A European trade union rally will take place in Brussels on 14 March 2013 on the occasion of the European Council on 14 and 15 March. Trade union delegations from Belgium, France, Germany, Portugal, Spanish, etc. will be there to demand a change of direction. This austerity programme must end as it is having disastrous economic effects. Employment, particularly for young people must be the priority.


Where? At the Parc du Cinquantenaire in Brussels

  • 01.03.2013 Press release

    ETUC welcomes adoption of a Youth guarantee by EPSCO Council

    Brussels, 01/03/2013 The adoption of the Youth Guarantee shows the priority given to fighting youth unemployment. The cost of doing nothing was estimated at €153 billion by Eurofound and this will make all stakeholders take their share of responsibility.
  • 22.02.2013 Press release

    Commission economic Winter forecasts: Wrong and misleading

    Brussels, 22/02/2013 The recession is only over when unemployment is back down, not when markets recover. However, unemployment continues to increase everyday and is already intolerably high in many member states. The Commission cares for the markets, when will they care for the people? Most recent business cycle indicators do not signal an end to the recession. What they are telling us is that the economy, after a collapse in activity in the final quarter of the previous year, still continues to contract.
  • 21.02.2013 Press release

    European Parliament opinion legitimises social dumping and exploitation of workers

    Brussels, 21/02/2013
 National authorities would be discouraged from spotlighting fraudulent companies as only a limited number of control measures would be authorised. Furthermore, an amendment seeks to restrict even more the Posted Workers Directive by only recognising a limited number of collective agreements. 
  • 20.02.2013 Press release

    EU needs real social investments

    Brussels, 20/02/2013 The Social Investment Package is an important contribution to the debate on the social dimension of Europe and the ETUC welcomes the approach of reshaping EU governance. The Europe 2020 targets must be monitored to ensure that member states and the EU truly follow a common path to secure economic growth and social progress and cohesion. Social partners can make important contributions to achieve this.
  • 12.02.2013 Speech

    EU-South Africa dialogue on Just Transition, Green and Decent Jobs

    Johannesburg, 12-13/02/2013 Check against delivery I am pleased and honoured to be invited to participate in bilateral discussions with South African unions and political actors on the important topic of Just Transition, Green and Decent Jobs. Your country and your trade union movement have for ever marked history. You continue to fight for equality, decent work and decent wages. You support campaigns to eliminate HIV here in South Africa but also in solidarity with neighbouring countries.
  • 07.02.2013 Press release

    The European Trade Union Confederation supports the call for a general strike by General Tunisian Workers' Union in reaction to the assassination of Chokri Belaid

    Brussels, 07/02/2013 Just a few days before his death, Chokri Belaid had denounced attempts to destabilise the State through violence and the machinations of obscure militias. The State did nothing to protect his life, although it should have done so, because Chokri Belaid had been receiving threats for a long time. It was no secret to anyone.
  • 06.02.2013 Press release

    67 cents a day to ensure a future for both people and planet

    Brussels, 06/02/2013 On February 8th Member States will finalise their negotiations on the next Multi Annual Financial Framework. They must agree on a budget that will meet the challenges represented by the current crisis: growing inequality, persisting poverty within Europe and beyond, food insecurity, ecosystem collapse and resource constraints, unsustainable growth, global competition, ageing of the population, technological change and the transition towards a low carbon economy.
  • 06.02.2013 Press release

    The European Union needs a budget for growth and jobs

    Brussels, 06/02/2013 Unfortunately it seems easier for the European Council to adopt austerity plans than to adopt a satisfactory Multiannual Financial Framework for the period 2014-2020. Like the European Parliament, ETUC insists that a Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) must be based on a compromise but also on a “fair deal”. In times of crisis and high unemployment rates the EU budget should not be reduced.
  • 01.02.2013 Speech

    Meeting of the Employment Committee with Social Partners on wage developments

    Brussels, 01/02/2013
 Check against delivery 
 Dear chair, ladies and gentlemen and friends. 
 I would like to thank the chair for giving me the floor and for organising this meeting.
 Despite much reticence among ETUC members regarding the desirability of a European level tripartite discussion on wage developments, the ETUC agreed that we should participate in this exploratory meeting. 
  • 30.01.2013 Speech

    Closing speech of Bernadette Ségol – High-level conference - ETUC 40th anniversary #ETUC40 - Celebrating the past looking to the future

    Madrid, 28/01/2013 I want to thank, very warmly, all the high level representatives of EU institutions, the politicians who honored ETUC with their presence and comments, and to also thank, very warmly, all the high level trade unionists from the various countries and the members in this room for discussing, for listening to the problems that we, as a trade union, are facing.