• 28.11.2012 Press release

    Two years overdue: time for the European Council to deliver on maternity leave directive !

    Brussels, 28/11/2012 Pregnancy and maternity protection is essential for achieving gender equality and the protection of women’s rights. There is evidence that maternity related discrimination is still a significant problem and increasing due to the crisis. This is a reason why, the ETUC and the EWL believe that the proposals put forward for a revised Directive would make a positive difference to millions of women and their babies. Women’s participation in labour market is crucial to our economy and the recovery.
  • 27.11.2012 Press release

    Unions condemn MEPs support for Colombia-Peru Free Trade Agreement

    Brussels, 27/11/2012 In Colombia, one of the most dangerous countries in the world for trade unionists, CUT-CGT-CTC have not been invited to discuss the proposal. Participation has also been lacking in Peru. The text refers to a “National Agreement” (Acuerdo Nacional) in which many trade unions like CUT and CATP and civil society organisations were not involved, while it also mentions the existence of an ECOSOC that has never been set up. In general, the two roadmaps do not address essential concerns and concrete and binding measures regarding :
  • 16.11.2012 Press release

    Austerity meausures: ILO rings alarm bells

    Brussels, 16/11/2012 Says Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary: “Under pressure from the Troika, national governments are pushed to take measures which attack collective bargaining rights. We should take seriously the ILO message that this situation cannot continue. The European Union, recently awarded the Peace Nobel Prize, must remember why it was created: to guarantee peace, prosperity and social justice”. - ILO press release: http://www.ilo.org/brussels/press/press-releases/WCMS_193308/lang--en/index.htm
  • 09.11.2012 Press release

    14 November : European Day of Action and Solidarity - Large scale trade union mobilisation for jobs and solidarity and against austerity

    Brussels, 09/11/2012 The day of action on 14 November will take various forms: for example, there will be strikes in Spain, Portugal, Greece and Italy. For the first time in its history, an ETUC day of action will include simultaneous strikes in four countries. Strikes are not the only type of action involved. Demonstrations will be held in France and in some Eastern countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Romania).
  • 05.11.2012 Press release

    14 November 2012: European Day of Action and Solidarity

    Brussels, 05/11/2012 For years now, Europe’s trade unions have been speaking out against austerity measures. These measures dragging Europe into economic stagnation, indeed recession with the result that growth has stopped and unemployment is rising inexorably. Cuts to salaries and social protection are attacking the European social model, worsening imbalances and fostering injustice.
  • 26.10.2012 Press release

    ETUC: Council of Europe rightly condemns Greek labour law reforms

    Brussels, 26/10/2012 The decisions, following collective complaints to the ECSR by Greek public sector unions (including ETUC affiliate ADEDY), concerned two measures adopted in 2010 that extended the "trial period" during which workers can be dismissed without notice to one year and cut the minimum salary for workers under 25 years of age to two-thirds of the national minimum wage which meant that young Greek workers fell below the poverty line of 580 euros a month.
  • 24.10.2012 Speech

    3rd ASEM Social Partners' Forum

    Hanoi, 24/10/2012 (Check against delivery) Plenary Session III (General debate) Madam Minister, Dear friends, I have followed with great attention and great pleasure the debates of the day. I would like to pay tribute to our hosts who made us feel comfortable and made sure that the discussion could develop in a positive and friendly atmosphere. We are indeed very grateful that they gave the right and recognised place to our ASEM social partners' forum.
  • 15.10.2012 Speech


    Brussels, 15/10/2012 EUROPE MUST ADDRESS ITS SOCIAL DEBT The debt crisis and how to get out of it is being discussed everywhere. And so it should. But there is a social debt which is just as central to save Europe as the monetary debt.
  • 12.10.2012 Press release

    Nobel Peace Prize to the EU: time has come to ensure social peace in the Union

    Brussels, 12/10/2012 Commenting the Nobel Peace Prize awarded by the EU, Bernadette Ségol, ETUC General Secretary said: “This is good news and a welcome reminder of the EU’s historical contribution to peace since its foundation. But we also need now to ensure social peace in the Union. A first step would be for a reversal of current austerity policies and the adoption of the Social Compact for Europe that the ETUC has proposed”.
  • 11.10.2012 Press release

    Industrial policy: the EU must swing into action

    Brussels, 11/10/2012 On the occasion of the Commission’s publication, ETUC reaffirms its industrial policy orientations: - The need to invest in innovative policies in forward-looking industries. Europe needs investments for a sustainable economy; a green economy. In particular, investments in transport and energy, in particular. - The need to promote and provide the means and resources for training so as to have a qualified workforce –a key element of any industrial policy.
  • 09.10.2012 Press release

    Trade unions united in opposing the EU-Colombia-Peru trade agreement

    Brussels, 09/10/2012 “The international trade union movement is united in this call for a vote against the FTA. To do otherwise would disregard the appalling human rights record in Colombia and continued labour violations in Peru and would damage the EU’s reputation as a leading force in the promotion of human rights and basic freedoms”, states a joint letter sent to MEPs ahead of the EP’s decision on the FTA. The EP is set to vote on the ratification of the FTA before Christmas.
  • 04.10.2012 Press release

    Workers' protection lost in the nano-space? ETUC reaction to the European Commission Second Regulatory Review on Nanomaterials

    Brussels, 04/10/2012 “While technology is developing apace, we are not seeing the Commission adequately address the regulatory framework” stated Judith Kirton-Darling, ETUC Confederal Secretary responsible for health and safety. “The precautionary principle is fundamental to guaranteeing public and occupational health and safety – the Commission must take action to ensure it is at the centre of EU nanotechnology policy”, stressed Judith.
  • 03.10.2012 Press release

    European Trade Unions protest against violation of trade union rights in Turkey

    Brussels, 03/10/2012 As a result of the trial of 69 members of the Turkish Confederation of Public Service Workers, KESK, which will be held on 4 October, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) is coordinating a number of new initiatives, both in Turkey and the European Union (EU), in order to draw attention to the erosion of human rights in general, and trade union rights in particular, in Turkey.
  • 12.09.2012 Press release

    ETUC welcomes the decision to withdraw the Monti II Regulation

    Brussels, 12/09/2012 The withdrawal of the proposal, however, does not solve the problems created by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the Viking and Laval judgments. It is more urgent than ever that a solution to the current situation is found as it prevents workers from fully enjoying their rights. The Commission should ensure that fundamental social rights cannot be restricted by economic freedoms.
  • 10.09.2012 Speech

    144th TUC Congress

    Brighton, 10/09/2012 President, Delegates, I am honoured and delighted to address your Congress on behalf of the European Trade Union Confederation. I am a first time speaker to Congress. In previous congresses the ETUC GS delivered his speech with a Manchester accent. Today, you will have to adapt to a southern French way of handling your language. Whatever the accent your campaign call: 'A Future That Works' certainly reflects the aspiration of the workers I meet.
  • 06.09.2012 Speech

    XXII Economic Forum

    Krynica, 04/09/2012 (Check against delivery) I. Opening panel President, I thank you for inviting me to speak at this opening ceremony. It is important that you invited me as General Secretary of the ETUC representing 60 million workers in the European unions. Workers, and around them, their family.
  • 05.09.2012 Press release

    Portugal's future cannot be based on austerity

    Brussels, 04/09/2012 The austerity measures imposed by the Troika since 2011 in exchange for a three-year loan of 78 billion euro are both ineffective and counter-productive. With an unemployment rate of 16% and a 3% recession, the country is sinking deeper into the spiral of crisis and the outlook for 2013 is anything but positive.