• 11.02.2010 Press release

    ETUC supports Tekel workers in their fight for fundamental rights

    Brussels, 11/02/2010 After a series of demonstrations the leaders of the trade union organisation TÜRK-?? met two weeks ago with Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, the Turkish Prime Minister, who instructed his Ministers to come up with a solution to end the conflict. There is still no deal.
  • 10.02.2010 Press release

    For a Social Europe and a Social market economy

    Brussels, 10/02/2010 - Proactive measures against increasing unemployment, - An efficient regulation of financial markets, - Fighting global warming, - A Social Progress Clause reinforcing fundamental rights, - An agreement on the Working Time Directive, - Equal pay for equal work, - Clarifications with regard to the Posting Directive, - Stronger workers’ participation in corporate governance, - Better protection against redundancies.
  • 03.02.2010 Press release

    "Give us guarantees on jobs and do not exit prematurely from high public spending"

    Brussels, 03/02/2010 John Monks will declare to the President of the European Council: “We are extremely concerned that Governments will exit prematurely from the stimuli packages which have been applied since the crisis started and that precipitate action will retard growth and further increases in unemployment. European trade unions sent a letter to their Heads of government with a clear message: You have saved the banks, now save the jobs”. The ETUC demands that heads of Government and the European authorities:
  • 28.01.2010 Speech

    Rebuilding Trust – Building Leadership

    Brussels, 27/01/2010 When it comes to trust, some business leaders are in the same position as Tiger Woods is with his wife. And although the bankers are probably near the top of the most mistrusted league table, others have problems too. Mr Schwab has made this point very well in the build up to this year’s Davos. So how does the escalator reverse and reputations begin to rise?
  • 21.01.2010 Speech

    Meeting with President / Prime Minister Zapatero

    Madrid, 21/01/2010 President, the Spanish Presidency comes at a very difficult time – for Spain of course and for the EU and the world. The economic crisis is severe, unemployment continues to rise, the financial service world is trying to get back to business – and bonuses – as usual, and young people are especially hard hit. And we have the environmental crisis and an inadequate outcome to the Copenhagen summit. The need for sustainable economies, a sustainable environment, and sustainable European population is very clear.
  • 21.01.2010 Speech

    Opening Conference of the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion

    Madrid, 21/01/2010 I congratulate the Spanish Presidency on this initiative. In all our societies the gaps between rich and poor have been widening. Income inequalities are back to late 19th century levels in some countries. Other participants have rightly focused on the need for positive action to help the excluded – training, social security, minimum wages, etc to help them progress. I agree with the importance of those at European and national level.
  • 19.01.2010 Press release

    The ETUC joins the European campaign against Poverty and Social Exclusion

    Brussels, 19/01/2010
 The Lisbon Strategy failed to eradicate poverty in Europe, one of the objectives set for 2010. The ETUC is of the opinion that a strong mobilization and a determined commitment are more than ever necessary to combat poverty. This mobilisation must take place simultaneously on two fronts: social protection and employment.




  • 12.01.2010 Speech

    The ETUC in the Coming Decade – Future challenges and opportunities

    Brussels, 12/01/2010 As an American President once said – forecasting is difficult, especially about the future. I am asked tonight to reflect on the ETUC in the next decade – in effect, an ETUC version of the 2020 exercise launched by the President of the European Commission recently. My first reflection is related to that 2020 exercise. It is an unavoidable fact that the EU’s future will have a big impact on the future of the ETUC and trade unionism at European level.
  • 07.01.2010 Speech

    Symposium: New World New Capitalism

    Paris, 07/01/2010 Have we managed the crisis well? The best that can be said is that we have managed the crisis better than they did in the 1930s. This time governments did not cut spending as tax revenues plummeted. This time, at least in the EU, we have had welfare states to provide social security and some active labour market policies instead of the mass poverty and unemployment of the 1930s.
  • 21.12.2009 Press release

    Copenhagen: an anti-climax

    Brussels, 21/12/2009 ETUC General Secretary John Monks declared: "During the financial crisis, huge amounts of resources were found to save banks and guarantee financial assets. The climate crisis was not entitled to the same treatment, however, which is extremely regrettable. We witnessed negotiations where each party was determined to be the lowest bidder. This is extremely serious for the future of humanity. This failure also brings to light the severe crisis of the United Nations institutions."
  • 15.12.2009 Press release

    Copenhagen: climate policies must be a driver of social progress

    Brussels, 15/12/2009 The Copenhagen negotiations are taking place against a very unusual backdrop, as the economic and financial crisis triggers unprecedented unemployment in Europe and demonstrates the dominance of the financial system over the real economy.
  • 30.11.2009 Press release

    Meeting of Executive Committee of the ETUC

    Brussels, 30/11/2009 All the ETUC member unions will be meeting in its Executive Committee to discuss questions of topical interest to European trade unionism. The European trade unions will be mapping out a forthcoming campaign to put forward some proposals to counter the social and economic crisis which is causing so many problems, in particular in terms of employment. This campaign will be the opportunity to frame some messages aimed at the recently renewed European institutions, under the Lisbon Treaty which is very shortly to come into force.
  • 25.11.2009 Speech

    Europe in the World

    London, 24/11/2009 Thanks to the European Business School for this invitation, and not least for the chance to renew my duels with John Cridland, sometime partner, sometime adversary, but always well respected in whatever guise he appears, however dastardly.