• 13.11.2008 Press release

    ETUC supports Euromil in its campaign for a new deal

    Brussels, 13/11/2008 John Monks declared: ‘Some 90 years after the end of the First World War in which millions of combatants died in the trenches of Europe, members of the armed services are still getting a raw deal.’
  • 31.10.2008 Press release

    Do not let the real economy down!

    Brussels, 31/10/2008
 European governments and central banks are trying to save the financial economy by directly supporting banking activity and cutting interest rates. This is necessary and welcome. However, the real economy also urgently needs saving. Economic activity, aggregate demand and jobs require immediate support. In the absence of such support, the downturn in the real economy will:
 - destroy much of the capital that was given to save the banks;
  • 30.10.2008 Press release

    Asbestos should be covered by the Rotterdam Convention

    Brussels, 30/10/2008 ‘It’s unacceptable for chrysotile asbestos to once again escape the regulatory mechanisms for hazardous substances provided for by the Rotterdam Convention. The lives of hundreds of thousands of workers are at risk, as is the credibility of the Convention’, states ETUC Confederal Secretary Walter Cerfeda, who is in charge of health and safety at work. Canada is supposedly once again trying to form a coalition of countries to block the inclusion of chrysotile on the list of substances covered by the Rotterdam Convention.
  • 22.10.2008 Press release

    Adoption of Temporary Agency Work Directive breaks deadlock on social Europe

    Brussels, 22 October 2008 ETUC was particularly satisfied with the way the Council solved the issue of equal treatment between agency workers and workers in the user enterprise – the most contentious issue in the Directive which blocked progress for the past 6 years. The Directive will not anymore introduce a general qualifying period before the equal treatment principle would apply as was proposed previously, but instead only allows for derogation by collective agreement or – under specific conditions – by agreement between the national social partners.
  • 17.10.2008 Press release

    ETUC inaugurates a vast project of Turkish-European cooperation

    Brussels, 17/10/2008 “Civil Society Dialogue: bringing together workers from Turkey and the EU through a shared culture” is the name of the ambitious European project meant to ensure better knowledge and understanding of one another among Turkish and European workers.
  • 17.10.2008 Press release

    Environment Council: Climate change must remain a priority in spite of the financial turmoil

    Brussels, 17/10/2008 "The financial crisis must not weaken the objectives of the energy and climate change package or postpone its adoption, scheduled for the end of 2008. On the contrary, the crisis reinforces the need for massive investments in energy savings and renewable energy to make our economies less dependent on imports of oil and gas", declared ETUC Confederal Secretary Joël Decaillon.
  • 16.10.2008 Press release

    EWC: ETUC asks the European Parliament to complete the changes to the proposed directive by the end of the year

    Brussels, 16/10/2008 The ETUC Executive Committee gave broad support for the outcome of the talks conducted by the General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary with BusinessEurope, and decided on this basis to ask the European Parliament to aim to complete its considerations by the end of the year. Otherwise there is a real risk that the issue could fall through lack of time.
  • 14.10.2008 Press release

    Financial crisis: A call for Europe to act as one

    Brussels, 14/10/08 As highlighted by John Monks, ETUC General Secretary: 'Casino capitalism has failed and policy must change track. Europe can no longer allow its members to pursue the typical agenda of the national interest. If ‘beggar-thy-European neighbour’ policies continue, things will get pretty ugly. Instead, Europe needs to bundle resources and mobilize the power of acting together.’ We need a European policy reply in order to:
  • 14.10.2008 Press release

    ETUC's Executive Committee meets the day before the European Council

    Brussels, 14/10/08 A day ahead of the European Tripartite Social Summit – at which ETUC participates – and the European Council, representatives of ETUC-affiliated trade unions will discuss the current state of the financial system and the economy. This meeting will provide trade unions the opportunity to send out clear messages to European policymakers regarding the topics on the agenda at the European Council, namely the financial crisis and the energy and climate change package.
  • 09.10.2008 Speech

    Workers' rights and economic freedoms

    Brussels, 09/10/2008 Workers’ rights and economic freedoms – View from ETUC A British trade union lawyer colleague of mine who is here today termed the recent quartet of legal judgments in the European Court of Justice – an accident waiting to happen.
  • 02.10.2008 Press release

    European Central Bank is flirting with the risk of a long depression

    Brussels, 02/10/2008 With the economy already in recession and with the financial sector balancing on the edge of a cliff, this is defying logic. With short-term interest rates higher than long-term interest rates, an already cracking financial system is being stressed even further. Says John Monks, General Secretary of ETUC, ‘The ECB is still fighting the inflation of the past. It is time for them to wake up to reality and see the urgency of the situation, even if this means admitting that the June rate hike was a mistake’.
  • 01.10.2008 Press release

    What ways forward for including fundamental rights at work in world trade?

    Brussels, 01/10/2008
 The ETUC conference on fundamental rights and trade aimed to contribute to the implementation of a high-level multipartite dialogue leading to proposals. The conference brought together trade unions, research fellows, legal experts and representatives of public and international institutions.
  • 26.09.2008 Press release

    ITUC and ETUC call on EU to root economic partnership in development

    Brussels, 26 September 2008 The EPAs are a new trade arrangement between Europe and the ACP countries which aim at putting their trade relationships in conformity with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. However, there is concern that EPAs could require ACP countries to open their economies unsustainably beyond their world-level commitments.
  • 25.09.2008 Press release

    Professor Brian Bercusson, 1947–2008

    Brussels, 25 September 2008 Professor Brian Bercusson passed away at the age of 60 years suddenly but peacefully on 17 August 2008 at his home in Tuscany. He was born in 1947 in Montreal, Canada, and came to the United Kingdom to study law at the London School of Economics in 1967. Professor Bercusson obtained his PhD from the University of Cambridge and was appointed as a Research Fellow at Christ’s College in 1974.