• 30.01.2008 Press release

    ITUC and ETUC welcome European Convention against human trafficking

    Brussels, 30/01/2008 The Convention becomes legally binding on the first ten countries to have ratified it (Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Georgia, Moldova, Romania and Slovakia), on 1 February, with Bosnia-Herzegovina, France and Norway following on 1 May. Most European countries have taken the first steps to ratify the Convention, with the UK having already announced its intention to complete the ratification by the end of 2008.
  • 17.01.2008 Press release

    ITUC - ETUC - CWC and Euresa Institute sign a "memorandum of understanding"

    Brussels, 17/01/2008 This agreement reflects the common will – as unions engaged in pension or savings fund management or as cooperative, mutual and non-profit insurance companies or asset managers – to promote actively practices respectful of environmental, social and governance criteria (ESG) in the companies in which they hold shares.
  • 17.01.2008 Press release

    Nokia shows the importance of urgently reviewing the EWC Directive

    Brussels, 18/01/2008 In particular, it must be guaranteed that companies cannot ride roughshod over European and national workers’ rights without sanctions. Furthermore, there must be guarantees that no layoffs or transfers can be carried out without thorough, prior information and serious consultations with the workers’ representatives and their trade unions. The ETUC has welcomed the Commission’s introduction of the revision of the EWC directive. It must now quickly reach a conclusion.
  • 16.01.2008 Press release

    The ETUC welcomes the European Commission's postponement of presentation of trade defence instruments (TDI)

    Brussels, 16/01/2008 At that conference, the ETUC and its industrial federations stated that trade defence instruments (TDI) needed to be strengthened rather than weakened, because they protect not only growth and jobs, but also social progress worldwide. The Commission's proposals – apart from the fact that they did not sufficiently take account of the results of the public consultation – were in danger of accentuating social and environmental dumping by weakening procedures.
  • 15.01.2008 Press release

    The ETUC urges the Commission to reintroduce the carbon tax on imports in the future climate change legislation

    Brussels, 15/01/2008 "It is paradoxical that, while the employment argument is used extensively in the Member States, either to oppose or to support more stringent measures to combat climate change, the Commission acts as if this question did not exist at European level", commented ETUC General Secretary John Monks.It is imperative to revise three points: - the introduction of a carbon tax on imports
  • 10.01.2008 Press release

    Slovenian Presidency: ETUC appeals for the single market to respect trade union rights

    Brussels, 10/01/2008
 John Monks will emphasise the importance of Europe’s single market respecting worker and trade union rights. The effect of the recent decisions of the European Court of Justice, particularly the Laval case has been to subordinate workers’ fundamental rights to bargain and to strike to the unimpeded free movement of labour. 


  • 09.01.2008 Press release

    ETUC urges the ECB to stop its crusade against fair wages

    Brussels, 09/01/2008 The European Central Bank continues to use the argument that oil price hikes will trigger a wage-price spiral. However, this view is wrong for two reasons: - With hourly wages growing at only 2.6% and with the share of wages in total income continuing to fall, stronger growth in wage earnings does not represent an inflationary danger.
  • 18.12.2007 Press release

    Laval case: disappointment of the ETUC

    Brussels, 18/12/07 The decision contains positive features such as upholding in community law the right to strike as a fundamental right and a union’s right to take industrial action against social dumping. On these points it confirms and strengthens last week’s ECJ decision in the Viking case.
  • 18.12.2007 Press release

    Bali: ETUC welcomes roadmap but regrets failure to agree emissions targets

    Brussels, 18/12/2007 However, it regrets the fact that participants missed the opportunity to agree on binding commitments or targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions of the developed countries in the immediate future, as called for by the European Union negotiators and the ETUC. The ETUC emphasises the urgency of united action and calls on all the parties to respect the commitment to conclude negotiations by the 2009 deadline.
  • 14.12.2007 Speech

    European Council: Social partners' joint labour market analysis

    Brussels, 14/12/2007 To be checked against delivery To excuse the absence of John Monks, ETUC General Secretary – he is taking part in an important meeting of the International trade union movement in Washington. To congratulate the Presidency on the achievements and especially on the Reform Treaty. It is high time for Europe to concentrate its energies on the core issues that concern citizens and workers.
  • 10.12.2007 Press release

    ETUC expresses disbelief over 'hawkish' messages coming from the European Central Bank

    Brussels, 10/12/2007 With three month inter-bank interest rates shooting up to 4.86%, the financial crisis is intensifying. Higher finance costs, together with tightening credit standards and an overvalued euro exchange rate, are working to produce a significant slowdown in growth. To avoid a new slump in growth, interest rates should be cut, not raised.
  • 06.12.2007 Press release

    ETUC deplores blockage of key social policy measures

    Brussels, 06/12/2007 According to the ETUC, the increased cross-border mobility of workers, companies and agencies, signalling a Europeanisation of labour markets, demands minimum rules to ensure fair competition and protection of workers. However, the UK is leading a diminishing group of Member States in opposition, claiming that the proposals by the Portuguese presidency would harm the flexibility of its labour markets and cost jobs.
  • 04.12.2007 Press release

    Meeting of the ETUC Executive Committee

    Brussels, 05/12/2007 European trade union leaders will examine the state of play regarding EU legislation on temporary agency workers, working time, European Works Councils and public services. They will also take a view on European Commission proposals on legal and 'illegal' migration, and on climate change, as well as on the recent turbulence in financial markets. The EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs, Joaquín Almunia, will attend the Executive Committee meeting this afternoon (5 December).
  • 03.12.2007 Press release

    Trade unions deliver an urgent message to European employment ministers

    Brussels, 03/12/2007 “By approving the proposed Temporary Agency Workers Directive, you can extend much needed protection to several million vulnerable workers. You can revive the idea of an effective Social Europe. You can give reassuring substance to flexicurity.
  • 29.11.2007 Press release

    ETUC welcomes and supports the European Parliament's call for a more balanced set of flexicurity principles

    Brussels, 29/11/2007 The report of the European Parliament adopts key flexicurity principles such as the promotion of stable employment relationships, action against abusive practices in non-standard contracts, action to improve job security for all workers regardless of their employment status, the strengthening of employability, transition security (for workers between jobs), gender equality and work-life balance, social partnership and dialogue and a macroeconomic framework for more and better jobs.
  • 26.11.2007 Press release

    John Monks calls on Labour MPs for a change of policy on temporary agency workers

    Brussels, 26/11/2007
 The UK has spearheaded opposition in Europe to the draft Temporary Agency Workers' Directive, which would bring agency workers' rights and conditions into line with permanent employees. John Monks is urging Labour MPs to lobby British ministers to change their position in advance of an EU Employment Council meeting on 5 December.


  • 26.11.2007 Speech

    Trade Union Group of Labour MPs

    London, 26/11/2007 To be checked against delivery Chairman, it is nice to be back. When I was at the TUC, I always appreciated the support we received from this group – support which had to be expressed discreetly and carefully even then, if the enemies of the Labour Government were not to be able capitalise on internal differences in the Party.