• 16.10.2007 Press release

    Burma: EU falls short on sanctions

    Brussels, 16/10/2007 The exclusion of oil and gas from the scope of the new sanctions means that the major source of foreign finance for the junta will remain basically intact. The previous EU bans have been extended to include a ban on European exports to Burma of equipment for the metal, timber, minerals and gemstone sectors, as well as import and investment prohibitions covering these sectors.
  • 16.10.2007 Press release

    ETUC Executive Committee meets in Lisbon on the eve of European Summit

    Brussels, 16/10/2007 European trade union leaders will debate issues that feature also on the Social Summit agenda, such as flexicurity in the European labour market, and the reform treaty. The Executive will also discuss a policy statement on the recent turmoil in world financial markets.
  • 10.10.2007 Press release

    ETUC goes on the offensive against MSDs

    Brussels, 10/10/2007 Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), are medical conditions that affect the muscles, tendons and nerves. It is Europe’s most widespread occupational disease, and European workers' main health complaint. “Current European legislation is not enough to tackle this problem. We need to get a draft MSD Directive back on the European agenda”, urged Marc Sapir, Director of the ETUI-REHS. “It is very much in the in-tray”, agreed Antonio Cammarotta, the European Commission official in charge of MSDs.
  • 09.10.2007 Press release

    Burma: ITUC and ETUC call on European Union to adopt tough sanctions

    Brussels, 08/10/2007 Europe currently has some sanctions in place, but these fall well short of the kind of pressure needed to convince the military that they must allow democracy to be realised. Top of the sanctions list should be the oil and gas sector, which is the main source of international income for the junta. Any sanctions regime which does not include oil and gas would lack effectiveness and credibility according to the ITUC and ETUC.
  • 30.09.2007 Press release

    ETUC urges the ECB to defend a lean and competitive euro exchange rate

    Brussels, 01/10/2007 To prevent a too expensive euro from pushing the euro area economy back into a slump in growth and jobs, the ECB must: - Signal to exchange rate markets that excessive volatility of the euro will not be accepted, - Rule out the possibility of interest rate hikes over coming months: higher interest rates in the euro area will attract more speculative capital and push the euro exchange rate even higher, - Consider instead the option of cuts in euro area interest rates in order to support domestic demand,
  • 27.09.2007 Press release

    ETUC and ITUC condemn the violation of Fundamental Rights in Turkey

    Brussels, 27/09/2007 The Women's Committees of the ITUC and ETUC are expressing their full support of and solidarity with the women workers of Novamed, now on strike for exactly one year in the Antalya Free Trade Zone of Turkey. They condemn totally the inhuman treatment imposed on these women workers, which is infringing on human and fundamental rights enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, the Social Charter of the Council of Europe, and Conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
  • 27.09.2007 Press release

    Unions call on EU to prolong EPA negotiations

    Brussels, 27/09/2007
 “The reality of many ACP countries today is that they are being required to negotiate simultaneously a regional custom union, a bilateral deal with the EU and a multilateral negotiations process through the World Trade Organisation (WTO),” said John Monks, ETUC General Secretary. “Very few countries in the world would be able to successfully take up such a challenge in five years, and the poorest countries are certainly not in a position to do so.”
  • 26.09.2007 Press release

    ETUC condemns repression in Burma

    Brussels, 26/09/2007 ETUC General Secretary John Monks said: “The EU must now apply effective concerted sanctions against the regime and seek to persuade all those with influence on it to make clear their total rejection of its inhuman actions. It is in particular inconceivable that trade talks with the ASEAN group (Association of South East Asian Nations), which includes Burma, can continue unaffected by this situation.”
  • 24.09.2007 Press release

    The ETUC urges UK to promote strong industrial and social policy

    Brussels, 24/09/2007 John Monks said: “the unquestioning and exaggerated free trade philosophy of the UK is leaving the economy increasingly open to foreign takeovers with little or no thought being given to what this means for the future. The UK should be supporting European champions and an industrial policy, not to create fortress Europe, but to safeguard R&D, innovation, and key skills.”
  • 20.09.2007 Press release

    "Make the Charter legally binding on Member States," says ETUC

    Brussels, 20/09/2007 John Monks said: “{We are concerned about rumoured attempts to obscure the position of the Charter, and to weaken its impact on Member States. Already the Charter has been affected by acceptance of the UK’s red lines. It is imperative that it has a legally binding effect on Member States and is within the scope of jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice. “I am asking for an urgent confirmation of that, and have written accordingly to the President of the European Commission and the President of the Council of Ministers}.”
  • 13.09.2007 Press release

    Flexicurity will get nowhere without reinforcing rights for workers, says the ETUC

    Brussels, 13/09/2007 The European Commission and the Council are drawing up common principles for implementing ‘flexicurity’ across the EU. The ETUC stresses that pushing Member States to make structural reforms without at the same time building a strong European framework to guide them will be counter-productive. Member States will only be able to strike a real balance between flexibility and security if European policy ensures:
  • 12.09.2007 Speech

    Trades Union Congress (TUC)

    Brighton, 12/09/2007 Check against delivery President, Congress and honoured guests, it’s with great pleasure that I address the annual Congress of the TUC. It is also a pleasure to see another woman President. I would like to thank you for the invitation. Let me take this opportunity to wish you every success in your debates and discussions.
  • 03.09.2007 Press release

    ETUC denounces Bulgarian tax reform as contrary to the European Social Model

    Brussels, 03/09/2007 Trade unions in Bulgaria are strong supporters of EU membership. Together with the employers’ organisations and the government they have signed an Economic and Social Development Pact, in which all partners committed themselves to stronger social dialogue, to manage the socio-economic challenges involved in meeting the Lisbon Strategy objectives. This so-called tax reform is a clear breach of the pact. Furthermore, it will destabilise the economy and increase inequality and poverty in Bulgaria.
  • 30.08.2007 Press release

    ETUC invites European Central Bank to defend euro area growth and jobs against the financial turmoil

    Brussels, 30/08/2007 Financial markets are already squeezing both the cost (three-month interest rates are up to 4.7%, well above the ECB’s repo rate of 4%) as well as the availability (flight into safety and liquidity) of credit for new investment. This will drag down overall investor and consumer confidence and damage growth and job prospects. The ECB needs to restore confidence by giving the signal that it stands ready to defend growth and jobs by cutting interest rates if necessary.
  • 17.08.2007 Press release

    World financial crisis: "Europe must act" says the ETUC

    Brussels, 17/08/2007 It has taken a crisis to awaken policy makers to the dangers involved in the recent stupendous growth of hedge funds and derivative markets. Trade unions have been warning now for over a year about the risks of hedge fund operations and how no-one can be sure about who is responsible for what, or what the true liabilities are in today’s casino economy.
  • 09.08.2007 Press release

    ETUC supports the worldwide appeal for the release of trade unionists detained in Iran

    Brussels, 09/08/2007 ETUC General Secretary John Monks this morning participated in a demonstration in front of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, demanding the immediate and unconditional release of both trade union leaders. This Day of International Action is organised by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF). It is supported by many European trade unionists and Amnesty International.