• 15.03.2006 Press release

    ETUC Executive Committee reaffirms its vigilance regarding the evolution of the Services Directive

    Brussels, 15/03/2006 During the Competitiveness Council on 13 March, some of the 25 Member States took the view that the European Parliament's compromise goes too far, and reduces the ambitions of the original proposal. "The compromise achieved by the European Parliament is currently in the hands of the Commission and the Council,” declared John Monks, ETUC General Secretary. “We remain very watchful on the evolution of this text and we will take care to ensure that the European Parliament's proposal is not undermined in substance.”
  • 14.03.2006 Press release

    Corporate Social Responsibility and European trade unions: danger of a rift

    Brussels, 14/03/2006 In the context of the debate on CSR at European level, the ETUC has always adopted a positive and constructive approach, and has consistently put forward proposals on the subject. Nonetheless, it appears that the debate on the subject of CSR is at risk of taking place without the true participation of the organisations representing the 'social side'.
  • 14.03.2006 Press release

    ETUC Executive Committee meeting to assess progress on the Services Directive and agree its message to the EU Spring Summit

    Brussels, 14/03/2006 The Committee, on which all ETUC-affiliated organisations are represented, will assess the outcome of the European Parliament vote on the Services Directive, and the likely content of the European Commission's forthcoming revised proposal, due to be published in April. The meeting will also draw up a resolution to go to the EU Spring Summit, in response to the Commission's Annual Progress Report on growth and jobs.
  • 03.03.2006 Press release

    ETUC warns European Central Bank not to kill the recovery

    Brussels, 03/03/2006 The recovery is simply not strong enough to face : - the efforts to cut public deficits that are in the pipeline for 2007 - continuing excessive wage moderation and complete absence of real pay increases - and, on top of that, a series of interest rate hikes. If the ECB continues to raise interest rates in coming months, it will serve the upturn a blow from which it might not recover.
  • 01.03.2006 Speech

    CGIL Congress (Italian General Confederation of Labour - Italy)

    Rimini, 01/03/2006 To be checked against delivery Secretary General, friends and comrades. It is with pride and pleasure that I represent the ETUC at the CGIL Congress in Rimini. Special pride because the ETUC has had a big success recently in its campaign against the Bolkestein Directive. Pleasure because I am learning all the time about the special contribution that the CGIL and our other Italian affiliates - CISL and UIL - make to trade unionism in Italy, Europe and the world.
  • 01.03.2006 Press release

    The ETUC welcomes the setting up of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund but would like to see a reinforcement of the social partners' role in the process of reintegration into employment

    Brussels, 01/03/2006 Following on from the Hampton Court Summit in October 2005, the European Commission published its proposal regarding the setting up of the European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (GAF) intended to provide help, for example, to workers who fall victim to globalisation with financial aid or assistance in finding a new job. An amount of 500 million euro per year is due to be paid into this adjustment fund.
  • 28.02.2006 Press release

    The European Union must put in place a proper energy policy

    Brussels, 28/02/2006 The liberalisation of the gas and electricity markets increases competition, but not necessarily in favour of consumers and new enterprises. On the contrary, the latest developments in France and Spain highlight the risks of industrial concentration, which the Commission denounced in its recent inquiry into the state of play in the energy sector. We are, in fact, witnessing the setting up of a European oligopoly, and anti-trust laws will be unable to stop this.
  • 27.02.2006 Speech

    European Trade Union Solidarity Conference with Cuba and Latin America

    London, 25/02/2006 To be checked against delivery I am glad of the opportunity to share with you today a few thoughts about European trade unions' relations with Latin America, the Caribbean and notably Cuba. The ETUC's links with trade union organisations in the region has intensified over time. The historic ties of our Spanish and Portuguese members in particular have been a great asset on which to build the relationship for the European trade union Movement as a whole.
  • 16.02.2006 Press release

    A major victory for European workers: the initial Bolkestein proposal is dead

    Brussels, 16/02/2006 "This vote shows clearly that MEPs have succeeded in finding a compromise that allows for the opening up of the services market, while at the same time safeguarding the European Social Model, even if there are still some improvements to be made," declared ETUC General Secretary John Monks. The majority of the ETUC's demands have been met:
  • 15.02.2006 Press release

    Euro-demonstration on the Services Directive : European trade unions mobilised in force

    Brussels, 15/02/2006 50,000 workers from all over Europe made the journey to Strasbourg to demonstrate for more social Europe. John Monks, General Secretary of the ETUC said, “the strong presence of demonstrators here today is a clear signal to European and national decision makers that trade unions are a political force to be reckoned with. We turned up in our droves two days before an important vote and we will be present at each stage of the development of this directive.”
  • 14.02.2006 Speech

    Rally - Strasbourg

    Strasbourg, 14/02/2006 To be checked against delivery Chers amis, Chers collègues, Merci à tous d'être venus à Strasbourg pour montrer au Parlement européen ce que nous pensons de la directive Bolkestein. Voilà ce que nous en pensons !!! (throw paper on the floor). Au début de cette campagne, la CES s'est donnée pour objectif le retrait ou un changement fondamental du texte initial!
  • 06.02.2006 Press release

    On a visit to Athens, John Monks calls for fundamental changes to the Services Directive

    Brussels, 06/02/2006 “We are certainly not against a Services Directive. But we are against one based on the country of origin principle. Open access, yes. Non-discrimination, yes. But we cannot tolerate outside companies undermining the conditions (labour, environmental, consumer protection) which apply to established companies, observing only those that are applicable in their country of origin. Fundamental change, not tinkering, is required,” declared John Monks.
  • 01.02.2006 Press release

    The ETUC condemns the attack against the Greek President of the National Trade Union Centre

    Brussels, 01/02/2006 Christos Polyzogopoulos, President of the Greek national trade union centre (GSEE) and member of the ETUC Executive Committee, was seriously injured yesterday, following a violent attack by members of anarchist and far left groups. Mr Polyzogopoulos had to be hospitalized. The ETUC deplores this life threatening act against a union leader and expresses its concerns at such extremist activities observed recently in Greece.
  • 18.01.2006 Speech

    CGIL Congress (Italian General Confederation of Labour - Italy)

    Palermo, 18/01/2006 To be checked against delivery I am grateful to the CGIL for the opportunity to visit Palermo and Sicily, to come to one of Europe's great crossroads, and to address you today on taking Europe's forward. 2005 was a bad year for Europe. A few years ago, the Queen of England reflecting on the bedroom antics of her children, said that the year in question had been an “annus horribilis”. Well 2005 was such an “annus horribilis” for the European Union. There were several reasons:
  • 11.01.2006 Press release

    European Trade Unions urge the Austrian EU Presidency to give a new impetus to Social Europe

    Brussels, 11/01/2006
 The first half of 2006 should mark a new start for the European Union. “The concept of Social Europe must be central to the development of an EU where economic and social progress go hand in hand,” said John Monks. “The European approach must be the promotion of a social market economy with social rights.”
  • 11.01.2006 Press release

    ETUC meets with Austrian Chancellor Wolfgang Schüssel

    Brussels, 11/01/2006 “We want a better Services Directive, not one based on the discredited country of origin principle but one which respects collective agreements, labour law and services of general interest,” said ETUC General Secretary John Monks.
  • 13.12.2005 Press release

    REACH: Member States conclude agreement on a text that lacks ambition

    Brussels, 13/12/2005 The ETUC welcomes the agreement reached on Tuesday at the extraordinary meeting of the Competitiveness Council because it sets Europe firmly on the road to an economy that takes greater account of the health and environmental impacts of the chemicals industry.