ETUC supports single market that protects workers

Commenting on the Commission’s ‘Internal Market Strategy’ Communication, the ETUC’s Liina Carr said

“The European Commission is right to want to create jobs and socially fair growth through the single market. It remains to be seen if this strategy can deliver it.”

“Trade unions support a better functioning single market with sensible rules that protect workers and consumers. The recognition in this Communication of the need to protect workers’ rights is a start.”   


  • Is concerned that there are many issues which need to be tackled before the construction sector should be helped to work more cross-border, for example undocumented work, exploitative use of sub-contractors, and false self-employment in the industry;  

  • Will work to ensure that any changes in regulation for the construction industry do not weaken health and safety in an industry which suffers some 1000 deaths a year across the EU;

  • Welcomes the recognition that there are employment issues to be addressed in the collaborative economy (including social security payments and health and safety), and will work to ensure this is properly addressed;    

  • Fears that threatening to declare void any regulatory measure that restricts services and is not notified to the Commission is disproportionate and could cause much more serious problems than it solves.