European Trade Union Congress Kicks off tomorrow

Tomorrow the European Trade Union Confederation Congress kicks off in Paris with the leaders of trade union organisations all over Europe, representing millions of workers from Lisbon to Helsinki, under one roof for the first time in four years.

Media are welcome at Congress, and are particularly invited to

Photo call on Thursday 1 October at 08.45h with National trade union General Secretaries and Presidents around an 2.5m x 1.80m sign to call for an ambitious climate deal including a ‘Just Transition’ for Workers at the UN International Climate Conference in Paris

Press Conference on Friday 2 October at 12.45h with new General Secretary and President of the ETUC (link to candidates) on the Paris Manifesto (link) and Action Programme 2015-19 (link) adopted by Congress

Press briefings

Every day at the start of the lunch break (scheduled for 1pm), in the Press Centre 

Tuesday 29/9 – Bernadette Ségol

Wednesday 30/9 – Reiner Hoffman (DGB, Germany) and Jozef Stredula (CMKOS, Czech Rep.)

Thursday 1/10 – Frances O’Grady (TUC, UK) and Carlos Silva (UGT, Portugal)

Other highlights include

Tuesday 29 September

  • speeches by François Hollande, Jean-Claude Juncker, Martin Schulz, Anne Hidalgo    
  • discussion on youth unemployment with Nicolas Schmit, President of the Council of EU Employment Ministers
  • live interview with Marianne Thyssen, European Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs

Wednesday 30 September  

  • Speech on the refugee crisis by refugee Aida Hadzialic now a Minister in the Swedish Government
  • debate on quality employment including Markus Beyrer of BusinessEurope
  • speech by Guy Ryder, Director-General of the International Labour Organisation

Thursday 1 October

  • Speech by Mary Robinson
  • Discussion on social dumping with key European trade unionists

Friday 2 October   

  • Election results followed by photo call on stage with new General Secretary and President of the ETUC at 09.30

To follow Congress

  1. Come along – to register email [email protected] – there is a filly equipped press centre and full media access to Congress hall
  2. Live streaming, daily video highlights and more on
  3. Twitter – follow @etuc_ces, search under official Congress hashtag #ETUC15
  4. More on,

For more information

Julian Scola, mobile +32 486 11 73 94

Emanuela Bonacina, mobile +32 473 94 26 47