G8 trade union group meets President Putin in Russia

Brussels, 05/07/2006

The unions will urge the Russian Head of State to introduce labour rights and jobs into the G8 talks as “transversal issues” in the summit discussions on energy, education and health. They will also be raising major rights abuses such as those in Russia's neighbouring country Belarus, and will press President Putin, as G8 leader, to use his influence to achieve respect for workers' fundamental rights.

Trade union leaders will call for more intensive follow-up to past summit commitments on aid and development. In particular, they will be putting forward one practical proposal to tackle an area of special concern: they will table the suggestion that a G8 working group should be established to track progress on tackling the AIDs pandemic.

Said John Monks: “Expectations from the global political leaders are high on a range of issues. In view of current European concerns, We want to see long-term energy plans brought forward within a sustainable development framework. We need to achieve the three-pronged objectives of energy security and environmental protection, compatible with full employment.