John Monks queries European Commission's external trade strategy

Brussels, 13/11/2006

Key points he will stress in the debate with Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson include:

- The European trade union movement's support for multilateralism;
- The EU should take its own specific and original approach to external trade based on its own values as set down, in particular, in the Charter of Fundamental Rights;
- Europe-based companies should respect European values and international labour standards in their external operations;
- The Commission should act coherently and not decouple trade policy from social, developmental and environmental considerations;
- The debate on collective preferences, initiated by Pascal Lamy, should be brought back on the agenda.

In relation to the countries identified by the Commission as priority targets for the negotiation of Free Trade Agreements, John Monks will stress:

- The need for observance of core Conventions of the International Labour Organisation to be explicit in all negotiations;
- Korea's test-case status for the ETUC: unions must be informed of any moves by the Commission towards a trade deal with that country;
- The ETUC awaits the Commission's denial of reports that it has agreed not to raise labour standards in negotiations with India;
- Continuing trade union involvement in the development of relations with China which, he agrees with the Commission, requires special attention because of the opportunities and risks it presents.

He will insist that each trade agreement should include a social dimension and be accompanied by a social dialogue committee.

- John Monks' speaking note

Note for editors: The European Commission conference 'Global Europe: competing in the world - The way forward', takes place in Brussels, 14.00, today, with the participation of Peter Mandelson, social partners and media.