President of the European Economic and Social Committee is a trade unionist

The European Economic and Social Committee starts its new term (2015-20) with the election of a new President, the long-serving European trade unionist Georges Dassis.

Dassis has been involved in the trade union movement from a young age, starting with activism against the colonels in Greece, then as an official of FGTB Belgium, and then in different roles representing trade unions at the ILO, for Italian trade union CISL, and at the ETUC.

President of the Workers’ Group in the Economic and Social Committee for almost a decade, Dassis takes a new role at the head of the EESC.

“I want to be linked always to the Workers’ Group and the European trade union movement,” said Dassis. ETUC General Secretary Luca Visentini emphasised: “It is vital at this time of crisis that we can count on a trade unionist and friend as President of the EESC, and in this new mandate the ETUC will strengthen its collaboration with the EESC and the Workers’ Group.”