A stronger social dimension is vital for a successful Euro-Mediterranean partnership, says the ETUC

Brussels, 27/03/2007

ETUC Deputy General Secretary Maria Helena André and Maghreb Trade Union Confederation General Secretary Abdessalam Jrad underlined that this was the first tripartite conference on social issues to take place since the launch of the Barcelona process, thereby meeting a long-standing trade union demand.

The conference clearly showed that the social dimension of the partnership process receives inadequate attention and that the involvement of workers' and employers' organisations can contribute to making the partnership a success and to reaching a broader public. Research results presented at the conference demonstrate that the impact of the Barcelona process on employment is not satisfactory and that there is still an imbalance in Europe's favour.

Social dialogue at both national and international levels should be recognised as a driving force for economic and social progress.

The ETUC and the Euromed Trade Union Forum hope that future EU presidencies will follow the German example and focus on the social aspects of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

- Speech ETUC Deputy General Secretary Maria Helena André