Third Conference of the Euromed Trade Union Forum "Towards peace, democracy, economic progress and social justice" 6 - 7 November , Barcelona


The trade union organisations taking part recognised that the achievements of the Barcelona process so far have fallen short of the objectives set in 1995. However, the partnership remains the right path to follow in the context of a difficult economic and political situation. The Barcelona process must be strengthened and revitalised.

At the same time, they re-emphasised that democracy is the only framework allowing the development of workers' rights, social rights, and social dialogue.

On the 28-29 November, a Euro-Mediterranean Summit will take place in Barcelona, organised by the UK Presidency of the EU, to celebrate 10 years of the Barcelona process. The ETUC awaits an invitation to this event, on the same basis as employers and NGOs.

- Speech John Monks
- Speech Maria André Helena
- Final Euromed Declarations