• 14.06.2010 Speech

    99th Session of the International Labour Conference

    Geneva, 14/06/2010 I take the floor to alert this conference to two key European developments. The first concerns the economic crisis. In 2007/8 the leaders of the world avoided the grave errors of their predecessors in 1931. They did not all cut public expenditure at the same time, unlike the President Hoover generation of leaders. Indeed, many introduced stimuli packages. Those actions led to the crisis not descending into a repeat of the Great Depression.
  • 07.06.2010 Speech

    23rd Nordic Labour Congress

    Konventum, Helsingor, Denmark, 07/06/2010 Last time, I came to a SAMAK event, it was in Oslo and the hot topic was a self critical examination of whether Nordic countries could have done more to handle the effects of the Asian tsunami which killed thousands, including hundreds of Scandinavians.
  • 07.06.2010 Press release

    Limitation of working hours and more influence of workers, for healthier working lives

    Brussels, 07/06/2010 These are the key messages that the ETUC is giving today to the European Commission, in its position on the review of the WTD approved by its Executive Committee last week. The Commission has launched a new round of consultations of the European social partners, after the previous attempts to revise the WTD –taking 7 years of struggle between European Parliament and Council – failed last year.
  • 04.06.2010 Press release

    Climate policies: adopting a development strategy is an urgent necessity

    Brussels, 04/06/2010 The centre of gravity of global growth has shifted to Asia and Latin America. In these new circumstances and considering today's unprecedented crisis, Europe needs its own development project. It urgently has to develop strong, sustainable and dynamic industrial policies based on a low-carbon approach and the use of new technologies. At the same time, Europe needs to safeguard and reinforce its unique social model whilst respecting and strengthening its commitments to developing countries.
  • 03.06.2010 Press release

    4 June: the European social partners meet the European Commission President

    Brussels, 03/06/2010 During the meeting, the trade union delegation [[Composition of the trade union delegation: John Monks, ETUC General Secretary Joël Decaillon, ETUC Deputy General Secretary Bernard Thibault, General Secretary of the CGT (General Labour Confederation - France) Yannis Panagopoulos, President of the GSEE (General Confederation of Greek Workers).]] will highlight its priorities:
  • 31.05.2010 Press release

    Gaza aid ships

    Brussels, 31/05/2010 The ETUC has pressed consistently for a peaceful two-state solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict, which can only be undermined by this indefensible action. It supports the exclusively humanitarian sentiments expressed by Turkish affiliates in connection with the delivery of aid.
  • 28.05.2010 Speech

    All-Poland Alliance of Trade Unions (OPZZ) Congress

    Warsaw, 28/05/2010 President, delegates and fellow guests, thank you for this invitation to address your Congress once again. I came to a previous one and, since then, it has been a roller coaster for Poland, and for Europe – a period of breakneck growth followed by a crash, not so bad here as in most other EU countries but unemployment at 12,3% (from 10,9% a year ago) and high poverty is a distressing situation for the country’s workers.
  • 18.05.2010 Speech

    German Confederation of Trade Unions (DGB) Congress

    Berlin, 18/05/2010 President, delegates, Your time is precious. My speaking time is limited. So I will limit my intervention to the essentials. The global casino is turning at maximum. Financial markets seem to drive politics. The turmoil on these markets, the high speed speculation against the European currency, the uncontrolled power of rating agencies – all this is constantly threatening our European cohesion, our social fundamentals, our social model, the social market economy.
  • 14.05.2010 Press release

    "The EU risks becoming the new President Hoover " - says the ETUC

    Brussels, 14/05/2010
 These packages reflect elements of the tough conditions decided on recently by the European authorities, conditions which are even harder than those being applied by the IMF in other cases of this kind.
  • 11.05.2010 Press release

    European workers risk paying a very high price for the EU crisis package

    Brussels, 11/05/2010 There is a clear risk that countries which need the support will have to implement drastic cuts in public expenditure, which are likely to push the economy into prolonged recession with serious resulting rises in unemployment. Again workers are likely to bear the costs of the crisis. For the ETUC, the terms of help are too tough, and EU finance must be directed to help economic and employment growth.
  • 07.05.2010 Press release

    ETUC calls to fight financial speculation by mobilising the force of Europe acting together

    Brussels, 07/05/2010 Says John Monks, general secretary of the ETUC: "Europe saved the banks. Social system and fair labour standards are as important, even more important, as the banks and should not be allowed to be bankrupted by the speculators". To fight the fire of speculation with the fire of European unity, the ETUC urges the heads of governments to show the same courage and creativity as they did when saving the banks:
  • 06.05.2010 Press release

    ITUC and ETUC condemn murders in Athens

    Brussels, 06/05/2010 “We trust that those responsible for this and the other acts of appalling violence yesterday will be brought to justice without delay,” said Guy Ryder and John Monks, general secretaries of the international and European trade union bodies.
  • 06.05.2010 Speech

    Congress of the Italian General Confederation of Labour (CGIL)

    Rimini, 06/05/2010 It is always a pleasure to visit Italy and a privilege to attend CGIL events, which are always held in nice places – the summer school in Chinciano Terme in Toscana and now this Congress, like the last, in the land of La Dolce Vita. I hope this Congress is a dolce experience.
  • 05.05.2010 Speech

    General Pan-Hellenic strike organized by the Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE) and Adedy

    Athens, 05/05/2010 I bring greetings and messages of solidarity from the 80 affiliates and 60 million members of the European Trade Union Confederation. Everyone in the ETUC knows the seriousness of the situation. Everyone appreciates that things must change. But everyone too knows that the response of the EU so far to the Greek crisis has been hesitant, clumsy, and now positively dangerous, not just to Greece but to Europe.
  • 04.05.2010 Press release

    Greek workers must not pay unfair and unacceptable price for the Greek rescue

    Brussels, 04/05/2010 As a result, Greece will enter into a deflationary recession lasting several years. Unemployment will be pushed up well into the double digit numbers. Poverty, already hitting 20% of the Greek population, will jump further upwards. And four years from now, with nominal GDP having fallen considerably, Greece and its citizens will still be shouldering a mountain of debt of 140% of GDP. .
  • 04.05.2010 Speech

    EU-Latin America and Caribbean Trade Union Summit

    Madrid, 04-05/05/2010 Dear Colleagues, This is the fifth time we meet for a European and Latin American and Caribbean trade union Summit. The ETUC places great store in this relationship, which we want to deepen further. Over the next 2 days we will take stock of the outcomes since the Lima meeting two years ago, and prepare for the next phase. We will condense our thoughts in a declaration for presentation to the current rotating President of the EU, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, at the Summit meeting in a couple of weeks.