• 21.04.2010 Press release

    22 April: EMF and EMCEF Action day

    Brussels, 21/04/2010 ETUC Confederal Secretary Józef Niemiec will participate in the action day for the development of a genuine industrial policy in Europe and quality jobs in line with the policy of combating climate change and reducing CO2 emissions without penalising energy-intensive industries.
  • 13.04.2010 Press release

    The death of the Polish President and many other leading figures, Polish public life

    Brussels, 13/04/2010 “Many of the people who died were associated with, and known to the Polish trade union Movement” said John Monks, General Secretary of the ETUC. The tragedy is intensified by the fact that those on the plane were to attend the scene of another Polish tragedy, the massacre at Katyn of members of the Polish ‘elite’ during the Second World War. Tragedy has been piled on top of tragedy.”
  • 09.04.2010 Press release

    ETUC urges ECOFIN to support Financial Transaction/Robin Hood Taxes

    Brussels, 09/04/2010 John Monks added:
“It is only right and fair that speculations that account for a majority of many financial transactions should pay tax on their activities. The EU should urge the G20 to introduce such a tax urgently so that it can be used to contribute towards the heavy costs being incurred in combating the financial crisis.”
 - Video : ETUC supports a Financial Transaction Tax (FTT)
  • 25.03.2010 Press release

    European Social Partners commitment on inclusive labour markets

    Brussels, 25/03/2010
 With the EU unemployment rate currently at 9.5%, urgent and determined action is needed. Europe cannot afford such a waste of talent. Europe must make full use of its labour force potential, improve job quality and increase employment rates in the face of demographic ageing. 
  • 23.03.2010 Press release

    Spring Summit: the ETUC's priority is employment, not the financial markets

    Brussels, 25/03/2010
 A string of campaigns and demonstrations have been staged and will continue in Europe. The mobilisation in Greece is not weakening. The whole European trade union movement is determined to make its demands heard on the European day of action on 24 March. Actions will be stepped up over the next few months if these demands are not heeded.
  • 23.03.2010 Press release

    Not public debt but greed and speculation are holding back economic recovery

    Brussels, 23/03/2010 Those who are now blaming public and social expenditure for holding back economics are confusing cause and consequence. Rising public sector debt did not cause the crisis; high private sector debt caused the crisis and its excess savings of households and companies which weakens recovery.
  • 09.03.2010 Press release

    European Trade Unions stand shoulder to shoulder with Greek workers

    Brussels, 09/03/2010 The ETUC is concerned to observe that Greece seems to be alone to face a renewed wave of financial market speculation, orchestrated by the ‘Goldman Sachses’ of this world. The European Council, the European Central Bank and the European Commission are giving an entirely wrong message: Speculators are not to be touched while workers and governments are pressed to cut wages, social benefits and public services.
  • 08.03.2010 Press release

    Meeting of the ETUC Executive Committee

    Brussels, 08/03/2010 The ETUC will discuss the aggravation of the economic crisis and notably the deterioration of the employment situation. Messages will be formulated in view of the EPSCO Council [[EPSCO: Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council]] of 8th and 9th March but also in view of the Tripartite Social Summit and Spring Council of 25th and 26th March. Proposals will include those to regulate the financial markets and to avoid the return of speculation that devastates economies.
  • 05.03.2010 Speech

    Opening of the new People's History Museum

    Manchester, 05/03/2010 Secretary of State, Welcome to this official opening of the People’s History Museum. The people’s story is not an easy one. Sometimes as an old friend used to say to me – “the working class goes from defeat to defeat, to defeat to final victory” – I was never quite sure if he believed it. You will certainly see in this museum, misery, lost strikes and repression.
  • 04.03.2010 Speech

    XV UIL (Italian Union of Labour) Congress

    Rome, 04/03/2010 Luigi, delegates and fellow guests. It is a great pleasure to return to the UIL Congress and to have this opportunity for a short address. It is my normal wish when returning to address a Congress to paint a picture of our achievements and successes since we last met, while of course tackling the challenges that are new or are still outstanding.
  • 03.03.2010 Press release

    EU 2020 – "Flawed" says ETUC

    Brussels, 03/03/2010 “How to deal with rising unemployment, especially among the young; how to tackle all the incentives in current tax systems and capital markets which encourage speculation and short-termism at the expense of long-term commitment to the real economy; and how to find new ways of raising public funds, especially using Financial Transaction Taxes and Eurobonds”.
  • 03.03.2010 Press release

    ETUC and EMCEF join REACH and CLP Regulations information drive

    Brussels, 03/03/2010
 REACH says that industrial operators must register any substances they manufacture or import in quantities above one tonne a year with the new European Chemicals Agency. The CLP (Classification, Labelling, Packaging) Regulation says they have to notify ECHA of the classification and labelling of all hazardous substances they place on the market, no matter what the production volume. 
  • 24.02.2010 Speech

    General Pan-Hellenic strike organized by the Greek General Confederation of Labour (GSEE) and Adedy

    Athens, 24/02/2010 “Panta rhei” – everything flows – said Heraclitus. Abraham Lincoln once sent a message to the cotton workers of Manchester, who were unemployed because of their support for the blockade of Southern American posts in the war against slavery. Lincoln memorably said “The strongest bond of human sympathy outside the family relation should be one uniting working people of all nations and tongues.”
  • 23.02.2010 Press release

    24 February 2010: General strike by the GSEE and massive demonstrations

    Brussels, 23/02/2010
 Europe’s trade unions follow with great concern the situation in Greece and in particular the pressure by the Commission, the Eurozone Ministers and the European Central Bank (ECB) on the Greek government for harsher austerity. The Labour movement in Europe stands in full solidarity with Greek workers in their struggle against job cuts, wage freezes, wage and pension cuts. Europe’s message to the Greek people should be one of stability and social progress and not one of deprivation and social dumping. 
  • 15.02.2010 Press release

    Do not let financial market speculation rule Europe

    Brussels, 15/02/2010 Says John Monks, ETUC General Secretary: “Governments and central banks in Europe have massively bailed out the banks. Now that financial markets are turning against public finances, governments need to close ranks to save themselves from the speculators. Europe urgently needs a common Eurobond, a European rating agency and new taxation revenues including a Transaction Tax”.
  • 12.02.2010 Press release

    The Summit: the ETUC's verdict "not a good start"

    Brussels, 12/02/2010 This is unsatisfactory and it is to be hoped that Europe’s finance ministers can devise specific and clear plans when they meet next week and so add much needed credibility to the EU’s approach. The most vulnerable economies in the eurozone are likely to need some help to maintain stability, and the EU needs a clear plan with the scale of assistance available, and the obligations to be incurred if it is sought.