• 05.03.2007 Press release

    The ETUC supports the Airbus workers

    Brussels, 05/03/2007 “Airbus is the jewel in the crown of European aviation. This enterprise is the symbol of Europe's capacity to construct itself. It is unacceptable for it to be undergoing such social collapse at this time, and for the workers to be once again paying the price, with 10,000 jobs due to be axed,” declared ETUC General Secretary John Monks.
  • 27.02.2007 Press release

    European Health and Safety strategy : the Commission misses its target

    Brussels, 27/02/2007 The European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) recalls that accidents at work form only a limited part of the health problems caused by work. So far, the Community strategy has always focused to that enlarged approach. The choice of a reduction in accidents at work as the central objective represents a backwards step compared to that enlarged approach. The ETUC regrets that the communication says nothing about precisely how occupational diseases will be brought down.
  • 21.02.2007 Speech

    Conference on 'Jobs in a low carbon Europe' 20-21 February 2007

    Brussels, 20-21/02/2007 To be checked against delivery Madam Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen You are here to think about the prospects opened up by the low carbon economy and we welcome you to an overheated room we still have some way to go!
  • 21.02.2007 Press release

    Health and safety at work: the community strategy needs a new impetus, says the ETUC

    Brussels, 20/02/2007 The results of the Fourth European Working Conditions Surveys (2005), conducted by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, show that poor working conditions have a negative impact on the health of millions of workers in Europe. The upwards harmonisation of working conditions is consequently a key priority for Community action. The European Union's latest enlargement to 27 countries has sharply increased the gaps between Member States.
  • 20.02.2007 Press release

    Climate change and its implications for employment

    Brussels, 20/02/2007 This is the first time a systematic study has been made of measures to combat climate change and their impact on employment. It specifically analyses the implications in different sectors of the economy: energy generation, transport, iron and steel, cement, housing and construction, which alone account for over 80% of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • 15.02.2007 Speech

    Social Europe/Dynamic Europe - Striking the right balance

    Paris, 13/02/2007 To be checked against delivery President, Minister, your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for the invitation to visit this lovely building in this always beautiful city and addressing a question that is highly relevant to the future of Europe and the future of France.
  • 08.02.2007 Press release

    Young European social partners meet for the first time

    Brussels, 08/02/2007 The conference aimed to enable both sides to get to know one another better, in order to improve day-to-day business management as well as dealing with the more general challenges posed by the European Union in a global context. Indeed, both organisations - the ETUC youth committee and Yes for Europe - agreed that it was essential to undertake a joint initiative to deepen mutual understanding between the young social partners, and also to discuss topics of mutual interest.
  • 23.01.2007 Speech

    ÖGB (Austrian Trade Union Federation) - 16th Federal Congress

    Vienna, 23/01/2007 To be checked against deliver President, friends, I bring the greetings of the ETUC to you and the trade unionists of Austria. You have come through a difficult period and I want to congratulate Rudolf and his colleagues for the way they have steered the organisation through the hard times. It cannot have been easy and in addition the ÖGB was able successfully to host the founding Congress of the new world body - the International TUC which met in Vienna last December.
  • 23.01.2007 Press release

    The ETUC condemns the crack-down on the strike called by the Guinean trade unions

    Brussels, 23/01/2007 Joël Decaillon, Confederal Secretary of the ETUC, representing the European trade union movement in Nairobi, reaffirmed its solidarity with the Guinean unions and people, and added that this terrible example reinforces the need to assert respect for fundamental rights and the principle of democracy across the African continent. The European Union (EU) and the German Presidency of the EU must act as swiftly as possible to put a stop to this escalation and to ensure respect for the law in Guinea and across the continent.
  • 19.01.2007 Press release

    ETUC puts forward its "decent work - decent life" strategy at the World Social Forum

    Brussels, 19/01/2007 ETUC Confederal Secretary Joël Decaillon and advisers Juan Moreno and Gabrielle Clotuche will make up the confederation's three-strong delegation. The ETUC's contribution will focus on "decent work - decent life", and present trade union strategies in support of poor and unemployed people. The ETUC delegation will also take part in seminars on migration, relations between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) countries, and multinational companies.
  • 18.01.2007 Press release

    ETUC calls on EU Employment Ministers to promote good jobs and put the quality of work at the heart of the flexicurity discussion

    Brussels, 18/01/2007 The informal ministerial meeting focuses on improving the quality of work, and on the European Commission's Green Paper on ‘modernising labour law'. The ETUC welcomes the German Presidency's decision to discuss the urgent question of the quality of work in Europe. The ETUC is ready to take part in the debate on ‘flexicurity', but only if good and safe jobs are at the centre of the discussion. Flexicurity has to benefit workers as well as business.
  • 17.01.2007 Press release

    ETUC urges the German EU Presidency to respond to popular demand for social progress

    Brussels, 17/01/2007
 The ETUC highlights two major issues likely to occupy the EU in the first half of 2007: energy policy and internal market liberalisation; and a way forward for the EU Constitutional Treaty. The ETUC calls on the Presidency to break the constitutional deadlock, preferably by adding a social protocol to the existing treaty. It strongly opposes 'cherry-picking' aimed at producing a 'mini-treaty', or excluding the vital Charter of Fundamental Rights.


  • 21.12.2006 Press release

    ETUC and ITUC acclaim EU decision to impose trade sanctions on Belarus

    Brussels, 21/12/2006 The trade union movement has been campaigning for this action, at international, European and national level, since 2003. An International Labour Organization (ILO) Commission of Inquiry in 2004 called on Belarus to stop the harassment of trade unions and guarantee freedom of association and the right to organise. This has not happened, and the ETUC and ITUC welcome the European Commission's call to Member States to exclude Belarus from EU Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) trade benefits.
  • 21.12.2006 Press release

    ITUC and ETUC protest against Libya death sentences for medical staff

    Brussels, 21/12/2006
 The six medical workers were found guilty on Tuesday of deliberately infecting some 400 children with the HIV virus despite clear evidence that the children were exposed to the virus before the medics began to work at the Benghazi hospital concerned and against a background of alleged torture and rape of the accused during their detention.


  • 20.12.2006 Press release

    ITUC and ETUC call on the EU to maintain sanctions against the Zimbabwe government

    Brussels, 20/12/2006 The measures come up for review early in 2007. “At a time when trade unionists in Zimbabwe have been so savagely attacked and as the Zimbabwean economy descends into disaster, it would send completely the wrong signal if the EU backed down on sanctions now,” said ITUC General Secretary Guy Ryder and ETUC General Secretary John Monks in their joint letter to Commissioners Benita Ferrero-Waldner and Louis Michel.
  • 13.12.2006 Press release

    European Parliament adopts REACH: completing an important step forward

    Brussels, 13/12/2006 The law as adopted puts the burden of proof firmly on producers for the 30 000 substances covered by the reform. “That marks clear progress, because industry will now have to provide information on the safety of their chemicals before they can put them on the market”, said Joel Decaillon, the ETUC's confederal secretary with policy responsibility for REACH.
  • 07.12.2006 Press release

    ETUC warns the ECB not to kill European competitiveness

    Brussels, 07/12/2006 “It's not high wages or strong worker protection that are chasing industry out of Europe but a too expensive euro. If European flagships such as Airbus are outsourcing activity to the dollar zone, then something is very wrong with monetary policy-making,” says John Monks, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).
  • 07.12.2006 Press release

    ETUC Executive Committee meets on 7- 8 December

    Brussels, 07/12/2006 The Committee will start to draw up the trade union position for the EU Spring Council 2007, and continue preparations for the ETUC Congress in Seville in May next year. And it will assess progress in the ETUC's petition campaign in support of public services across Europe. General Secretary John Monks will make a statement on how trade unions can respond to the new 'casino' financial capitalism that is undermining jobs and working conditions worldwide.
  • 06.12.2006 Press release

    ETUC sees Multistakeholder Forum meeting as the last chance to create a balanced approach to CSR in Europe

    Brussels, 06/12/2006 Since the European Commission issued its Communication on CSR in April 2006, in which it declared that Europe must become a pole of excellence, and since the start of organisation of the new meeting of the Forum, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), together with NGOs, has stressed that the Communication betrays the spirit of the Forum, in giving voice to the business side only. Even the proposed 'European Alliance for CSR' appears to be more of a self-congratulatory activity than serious work on CSR.
  • 05.12.2006 Press release

    ETUC urges EU ministers to make a fresh commitment to investment in education and training for workers

    Brussels, 05/12/2006 “The key message from the ETUC is simple,” says Confederal Secretary Joël Decaillon, “The EU needs to invest more on education and training at national and European level. As there are 72 million non-qualified or low-skilled workers in Europe and new jobs will require higher qualifications than before, investment in education and training is a necessity, not a luxury.”