• 04.12.2006 Speech

    Decent Work Conference

    Brussels, 04-05 December 2006 To be checked against delivery The ETUC subscribes to the Decent Work agenda set down by the ILO in 2000, the four strategic objectives of which (including gender mainstreaming throughout) are - Creating jobs - Guaranteeing rights at work - Spreading social protection - Promoting dialogue and conflict prevention.
  • 04.12.2006 Press release

    European Union must set a global example in establishing decent work and fundamental rights, says the ETUC

    Brussels, 04/12/2006
 The ETUC was alarmed by moves outlined in the European Commission's Communication of October 2006 towards bilateral free trade agreements, which appear to give social and environmental objectives a back seat. In the view of the ETUC, it is through trade negotiations that the EU can best use its weight to promote good jobs, social protection, workers' rights and conflict prevention worldwide. The EU must adopt a coherent strategy that respects all its policies.


  • 24.11.2006 Speech

    Nezavisnost 6th Congress

    Belgrade, 24/11/2006 To be checked against deliver Delegates, 15 years ¨C this is a long time in a man¡¯s life and a short one in the life of a trade union organisation. But that ¡°Nezavisnost¡± did survive since its founding in 1991 ¨C in the middle of the turbulences of the fall of Yougoslavia ¨C this is a remarkable event in the history of the trade union movement in this country. This is remarkable, mainly because of the following:
  • 22.11.2006 Press release

    Volkswagen shows the urgent need to modernise labour law

    Brussels, 22/11/2006 The debacle at Volkswagen's Brussels plant shows that protections for workers are inadequate. Yet in recent years in many member states, labour law reforms have been introduced in the framework of a competitiveness agenda that have promoted two tier labour markets rather than exert more influence on company decisions on employment security. Increasing amounts of workers - often the most vulnerable ones such as women, young workers and migrants - are working under conditions of permanent precarity.
  • 14.11.2006 Press release

    The challenge of the new capitalism

    Brussels, 14/11/2006
 The ETUC General Secretary first describes this new finance-based capitalism, mainly focused on quick returns, resulting in redundancies and increasing inequalities. The emphasis is put particularly on hedge funds which characterise this new capitalism very well, and present risks for economic stability, traditional industry and jobs.


  • 14.11.2006 Speech

    The challenge of the new capitalism

    London, 14/11/2006 Those of you who knew Aneurin Bevan can probably guess his likely reaction to my choice of the title tonight.
  • 14.11.2006 Speech

    6th Congress of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia (FNPR)

    Moscow, 14-16/11/2006 To be checked against delivery President, Delegates, Friends. I am glad and honoured to bring you greetings on behalf of the European Trade Union Confederation. Your Congress comes at a time of momentous change in the world trade union Movement. Earlier this month, in Vienna, we saw the birth of a new, united, democratic, International Trade Union Confederation.
  • 10.11.2006 Speech

    EU-Russia Trade Union Summit

    Helsinki, 10/11/2006 To be checked against delivery I should like first to thank our Finnish affiliates and BASTUN for organising this important meeting, the first, I think at this level, in the context of EU-Russia trade union relations. The commitment of SAK, STTK and AKAVA to involving trade unions in EU foreign policy development is exemplary. Just a few weeks ago, they did us proud in organising a very successful trade union conference with our colleagues from Asia in relation to the ASEM Summit.
  • 10.11.2006 Press release

    ETUC and FNPR call for social dimension to EU-Russia relationship

    Brussels, 10/11/2006
 The Finnish Trade Union Confederations organise on 10 November, together with the ETUC and FNPR, a Trade Union Forum, which will present a statement (enclosed) to Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen for transmission to the EU-Russia Summit to be held on 24 November in Helsinki. The Statement stresses the importance of including labour market issues as part of the growing commercial and political relations between the EU and Russia.


  • 08.11.2006 Press release

    Working Time Directive: the ETUC regrets the missed opportunity of the Employment Council to move forward on Social Europe

    Brussels, 08/11/2006 Commenting on this failure, John Monks, ETUC General Secretary, declared: “We regret that there was no progress in Council, as this is yet another signal of Social Europe being stalled. However, we would not have been able to accept just any agreement as “progress”. We would have welcomed an agreement which would have taken on board trade unions concerns”.
  • 06.11.2006 Press release

    ETUC calls for aggregate demand policies to turn the 2006 upturn into a cycle of robust growth

    Brussels, 06/11/2006
 - The ETUC report explains that the surprising upturn beginning in 2006 is not so much the result of ‘stability-oriented' policies but of ‘growth-supporting' aggregate demand policies. 
 - The trade union analysis also finds that structural unemployment in the euro area has fallen and is now below 8%. This provides policy-makers with the opportunity to trigger a cycle of high, domestic demand-led growth, similar to the one experienced over the 1997-2000 period. 
  • 03.11.2006 Press release

    ETUC expresses profound concern about proposed compromise on the Working Time Directive

    Brussels, 03/11/2006
 ETUC General Secretary John Monks has yesterday written to the Finnish Minister of Labour Mrs Tarja Filatov expressing grave concern about the proposals linked to the revision of the Working Time Directive, going before the Council on Tuesday.
 The fact that there is an overall reduction in protection without proper safeguards, and in particular that there is no end-date to the opt-out, leads the ETUC to take the view that it cannot give support to the proposals currently on the table. 
  • 02.11.2006 Speech

    International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) founding Congress

    Vienna, 1-3 November 2006 To be checked against delivery I am honoured to bring the very best wishes of the European TUC to our new International Trade Union Confederation. As many speakers have already pointed out, this is an historic occasion. I am glad and proud that the European trade union Movement has played a part, both as a template and as a midwife - if I may mix the images - in its achievement.
  • 24.10.2006 Press release

    ETUC regrets the European Parliament IMCO vote on the Services Directive

    Brussels, 24/10/2006 As a result, IMCO has not fully respected the agreement made in the European Parliament at the first reading. The European People's Party (EPP) and the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) members rejected, among others, amendments for clearer exclusion of labour law and social services, and clearer respect for fundamental rights.
  • 20.10.2006 Press release

    Informal tripartite social summit: the ETUC demands flexicurity that benefits all

    Brussels, 20/10/2006 The European Council of March 2006 invited the European Commission to examine in greater depth the concept of flexicurity. At the tripartite social summit, the ETUC reaffirmed its willingness to take part in a discussion on flexicurity. But the crucial question relates to what exactly this concept covers and how it is applied in practice.