Athens, 17/03/2007
President, friends,
I'd like to thank the previous speakers for the warm-up or the windup. It is with great pleasure that I come to the 33rd Congress of the GSEE to bring greetings from the ETUC, to express our appreciation of the support from, and the work of, the GSEE and to pledge to work together in the future. As your slogan says - Trade Unions- Our Strength.
Brussels, 28/03/2007
The purpose of the hearing was to discuss the reasons for the Airbus crisis, possible solutions and the role of the European institutions and the social partners in the development of the European aeronautics industry. The Parliamentary groups invited the EMF and ETUC, together with the trade unions involved in EADS, to an exchange of views on this issue.
Berlin, 16/03/2007
The ETUC took the initiative to set up the Euromed Trade Union Forum in order to develop and to harmonize trade union policies in the context of the Barcelona process.
It is clear to everybody that Barcelona is not a success story. One of the reasons for some failures is that the policies conducted focussed mainly on trade, market and economic reform and security. Social aspects especially, but also employment effects of the structural reforms had been neglected.
Brussels, 27/03/2007
ETUC Deputy General Secretary Maria Helena André and Maghreb Trade Union Confederation General Secretary Abdessalam Jrad underlined that this was the first tripartite conference on social issues to take place since the launch of the Barcelona process, thereby meeting a long-standing trade union demand.
Rome, 19/03/2007
To be checked against delivery
Colleagues, dear guests,
Today's conference is a significant step towards a new culture of trade union cooperation and action all over the European continent.
- Please note that only the English version of the European framework agreement on work-related stress is the official one.
- The translation into Spanish available on this website is the translation as it was annexed by the Spanish interprofessional social partners to their so-called Acuerdo Interconfederal para la Negociación Colectiva' (AINC) for 2005”.
Brussels, 20/03/2007
The Executive Committee considers the Group's plan to close the plant in Cadiz Province, thereby turning its back on some 6,000 workers and their families, to be completely immoral; especially in view of the fact that the company has for years benefited from investments and aid from the public authorities of Andalusia and Spain. The closure would see the loss of 1,600 direct and some 4,000 indirect jobs.
Brussels, 19/03/2007
The creation of the PERC is the result of a resolution adopted at the ITUC Founding Congress last November in Vienna. In line with the PERC Constitution, John Monks, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), will serve as its General Secretary while Mikhail Shmakov, President of FNPR Russia, has been elected as the President of the Council.
Brussels, 16/03/2007
This Executive Committee will be the last one before the ETUC's 11th Congress in Seville in May. Some important issues are on the agenda such as the Commission's consultation on the Green Paper on labour law and the assessment of the Spring Summit.
Brussels, 15/03/2007
Inequalities persist and are getting worse in the European Union, even if it remains the area of least inequality compared with other parts of the world, thanks largely to the widespread existence of social protection systems, public services, the social dialogue and trade unions working to guarantee mutual solidarity.
Brussels, 14/03/2007
The ETUC considers that this report brings the debate on CSR in Europe back onto the right track, recovering elements such as multilateralism, accountability and transparency, which seemed to be lost in the recent work of the Multistakeholder Forum.
Westminster, 12/03/2007
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Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to be invited to the All Party Group on the EU to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. This is an important anniversary which pro Europeans should use to celebrate the EU and its achievements, and also to make the case for Britain to be a more positive towards the development of the EU. Tonight I ask you to look forward with me at the next 50 years.
Brussels, 12/03/2007
Also for the first time the employers' European Banking Federation (EBF), through its European Social Affairs Committee President, was involved in negotiations to set up an EWC, and he is a signatory to the final UniCredit agreement.
The EBF participated with UNI-Europa - the trade union grouping that is already involved in a number of EWC agreements in sectors like finance, commerce, postal and telecom - national unions and staff representatives and UniCredit management.
Brussels, 08/03/2007
The Tripartite Social Summit takes place each year in advance of the Spring European Council on growth and jobs. Topics on the agenda for the meeting between the social partners, the European Commission, the German EU Presidency, and Portugal and Slovenia (future Presidencies) include flexicurity, knowledge and innovation, better regulation, and energy and climate change.
Brussels, 08/03/2007
The ETUC position on the first stage of the social partners' consultation on the reconciliation of professional, private and family life calls for a number of measures to be put in place at EU level. In particular, the ETUC asks European leaders to:
- take up measures to recognise the right to paid parental leave;
- improve the maternity protection directive;
- step up actions to enhance the availability, quality, accessibility, affordability of care services, especially child care and care for the elderly;
Brussels, 07/03/2007
“With the EU economy showing more robust growth over the last year, there are no longer grounds for claiming that social Europe is an obstacle to competitiveness,” said General Secretary John Monks. “The ETUC calls on EU leaders to send a clear message from the summit that will restore workers' confidence in the European project.”
The ETUC urges the Spring Council to:
Brussels, 06/03/2007
Obviously, our current energy model cannot be sustained in the long run. During a very short period of time, specifically the last two years, we have experienced very concretely the various risks incurred by our energy choices:
- first of all, Russia's decision to turn off the gas supplies to Ukraine in December 2005 (and thereby to Western Europe) concentrated the attention of decision-makers on security of energy supply and on the huge potential consequences it may have for individual and industrial consumers.
Brussels, 06/03/2007
To be checked against delivery
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am glad to open this conference. I would like to thank the EESC for their support to this event.
This conference comes in good time, in view of the Spring Summit which will take place in two days and where heads of states will be asked to take major decisions on the basis of the Commission's proposals contained in the ‘energy and climate change package' recently published by the Commission.
Brussels, 06/03/2007
Services of general interest are acknowledged as one of the pillars of the European Social Model and as such have to be safeguarded and promoted. This is why CEEP and the ETUC have agreed that a European framework on SGEIs is necessary. Accordingly CEEP and the ETUC have proposed the key elements such a framework should include.