Translations jointly or separetly elaborated by the national social partners

- Please note that only the English version of the European framework agreement on work-related stress is the official one.

- The translation into Spanish available on this website is the translation as it was annexed by the Spanish interprofessional social partners to their so-called Acuerdo Interconfederal para la Negociación Colectiva' (AINC) for 2005”.

- The translation into Swedish available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated and agreed upon by all interprofessional social partners in Sweden.

- The translation into Croatian available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated by the Croatian trade union SSSH/UATUC, affiliated to the ETUC, but which is not yet agreed upon by the Croatian employers' organisations

- The translation into Czech available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated and agreed upon by all interprofessional social partners in the Czech Republic.

- The translation into Greek available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated by the ETUC affiliated organisation from Cyprus, SEK and which is not yet agreed upon by the Cypriot social partners

- The translation into Finnish available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated by the ETUC affiliated organisations from Finland and which is not yet agreed upon by all the Finnish employers' organisations

- The translation into German available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated and agreed upon by the interprofessional social partners DGB and BDA in Germany.

- The translation into Italian available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated by the ETUC affiliated organisation CGIL.

- The translation into Polish available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated by the ETUC affiliated organisation NSSZ Solidarnosc (available also on their website: but not yet accepted by the other Polish social partners.

- The translation into Romanian available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated by the ETUC affiliated organisations in Romania and agreed upon by almost all Romanian employer organisations

- The translation into Icelandic available on this website is the translation as it was elaborated and agreed upon by the interprofessional social partners ASI (trade union side) and SA (employers' side) in Iceland.